The world around us has moved on, and thus so have our relationships. With everything at our finger tips, coupled with an intense array of choice, perhaps we have left behind what the almighty pairing of Mickey and Minnie once promised. Togetherness.

Here we see the two little mice happy as can be, advertising cereal in the Balkans. Mickey is always smiling as is Minnie. But perhaps they are from an era when folk had less choice, and life was a little bit calmer. Calm enough to accept someone into your life, and dare I say it, with it being 2019 and all, compromise with someone for the greater good.

Whether you are male or female, in today's fast paced action packed entertainment-addicted world, the word compromise is a dirty word. And not in a good way.

"Why should I change my plans for anyone else?"

"I will not give up anything for anyone."

"Let them come round to my way of thinking."

"I don' trust anybody."

We have all had to adapt to keep up with the pressures and demands of modern life, been forced to recover from relationships that lead to nowhere, and perhaps biggest of all, and we do not realize it, contend with the norm of today - choice at our finger tips. A big thank you to the digital era.

We all tend to look after number 1. Which is wonderful and yet destructive at the same time.

Maybe Mickey and Minnie smile as they are fictional. Perhaps they are both number 1, Mickey plays a double role and dons his eye lashes and cute bow when he wants. He has fooled us for decades. There is a possibility that they are simply the epitome of an era gone by. Forever.

What do you think folks?


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